Sunday, September 12, 2010

I should really shower...

But the dreary day is making me want to stay wrapped in a blanket in a hoodie and sweats.  France is gray, Buffalo is gray, so you're not missing out.  Though maybe those clouds will shed some rain onto the streets of France.  Too many sunny days can be depressing too, you know!

Anyway, yesterday was the first day of Senior year.  I felt like a pro, waking up at six in the morning, putting on my Senior T-Shirt, and meeting Jeremy at the door (with coffee and a bagel in his hands!!).  Mother took the usual first-day-of-school pictures and when I stepped inside Jeremy's car, Mest was playing!  It was too perfect.  We got to the school at 6:45 because Jeremy wanted the "best spot" in the parking lot.  I'm not going to lie, I felt pretty powerful in my Senior shirt. 

The annual assembly dragged.  The rest of the day was okay.  I believe open campus offically begins tomorrow.  We're a good class ;).

Errr, today was fine.  Actually, I'm enjoying the majority of my classes.  I think I'm going to like Media Analysis because it's doing what I always do when I watch television...Analyze why the people who made the show or commercial added in certain colors or characters.  Tomorrow we are talking about shows that have formed us as people.  I'm not going to lie, I may feel a bit awkward saying that Buffy the Vampire Slayer and 24 were really important to me, growing up...

Personal Finance is great so far-we've done nothing.  I sit next to Jeremy at the back of the room.  Sidney and Joanna sit in front of us, so it makes for a pretty good time.  I'm legitly looking forward to the class material.  He has already given away several money making tips and I want to know more!  Because I'm awesome and greedy like that.

Intermediate Algebra is just...math.  I had a minor freakout today when my teacher told us to do a few problems.  My head went fuzzy and I couldn't think straight.  I was so stressed out about doing a math problem in class that I forgot what to do!  I did the math homework at home and feel better...I may start some breathing techniques to calm myself down in the future...

Umm sociology is fine, government has been okay but my teacher likes to give us lectures on how we all believe the news when it only lies.  I actually like Public Speaking.  It's a very small class and I have no friends, but it works for me.

1 comment:

  1. do u have agnew for pf?? and who's ur govt. teacher?! and yes, senior shirts are so powerful. i wish we had them for college, too lol!!
